
Nothing is more convincing than a list of real-world examples. Therefore, here you go. Webcasts created with the workflow described and the tools developed for the “Tiny Webcasts” project.

Webcasts introducing “Tiny Webcasts”

A (growing) series of webcasts introducing Tiny Webcasts created with – well, you will guess it – “Tiny Webcasts” is now as well available, but this time in English.

A note for users of the Safari webbrowser: This webbrowser seems to not play these videos, and obviously it is a feature, not a bug. If you encounter problems playing the webcasts, I highly recommend using an alternative webbrowser such as Mozilla Firefox.

Lectures by the main author (in German)

A few examples of lecture webcasts created with the workflow described here can be found on the website of one of the authors. The lectures are currently in German only.